Looking for an International law firm in Paris?

For companies doing business in France

International law firm Holfran is your company’s legal partner in Paris, France. We assist with effective solutions and a pragmatic approach.

International Lawyer in Paris

International law firm Holfran assists entrepreneurs, companies’ operational staff and legal departments in their negotiations, contract drafting, legal advice, and handling of litigation. Looking for a lawyer in Paris? We ensure a practical approach, transparency and confidentiality and focus on below services.

Would you like more information about how we can help your business?

We are happy to assist. Call us +33 (0)1 42 96 80 98
or send an email to: info@holfran.com

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Commercial and contract law

Our lawyers have strong experience in advising our clients in all aspects of commercial law such as sales, distribution and competition law. We assist in drafting general contracts (such as agency, distribution, franchising, cooperation and service contracts, general terms and conditions) and more tailor cut agreements for complex projects (e.g. warehouse operating agreement; industrial subcontrating agreement; turn key demolition agreement). We also handle commercial litigation (unlawful severance of business relationships, breach of contract, debt recovery).

Labor law

We provide comprehensive services for hiring employees in France, in particular for the drafting of labor agreements. We also assist our clients in managing the employment relationship, including where necessary assisting in the proper termination of labor agreements to avoid litigation.

Corporate law

We assist in the setting up of French corporations such as SAS or SARL (from the drafting of the articles of association to the registration with the commercial register). We help our clients restructure their business through the transfer of shares and secure finance agreements through guarantees and sureties.

Liability and litigation

We represent companies before the French courts and negotiate settlement agreements. We have specific expertise in (product) liability disputes, applicable law- and jurisdiction conflicts. We can coordinate proceedings in various jurisdictions (France – The Netherlands – Belgium) and work with international instruments and conventions. We also draft affidavits.

Construction and insurance law

Construction contracts or agreements with a subcontractor must be properly documented and insured, and occasionally lead to disputes, surveys or judicial proceedings. Our activities include advising on all aspects of French construction law and the associated guarantees and insurances; negotiating, drafting or assessing construction, subcontracting contracts and tenders in France; advising in case of disputes in France about, for example, delivery, defects, guarantees.

Transport law

We also assist our customers in matters relating to damage to, or loss of cargo during carriage, international road transport (CMR) disputes or consignment notes issues. Our activities include assisting in surveys, settlement negotiations and judicial proceedings


We assist creditors and debtors in insolvency proceedings in France. Our activities include advising on issues related to French insolvency law, as well as assisting debtors with filing for bankruptcy in France, helping creditors in filing a claim, triggering a guarantee, and communicating with French insolvency trustees.

All Services are provided in compliance with the European personal data protection regulations. Contact us for legal guidance by a lawyer in Paris. 

Curious what we can do for your company?

Call us at +33 (0)1 42 96 80 98
or send an email to: info@holfran.com

contact us

Looking for a international law firm in Paris?

International law firm Holfran,, based in Paris, can help your company with international legal challenges. We often have clients from the Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom and the United states but also provide legal advice to companies from other countries.

What can Holfran do for your business?

We provide legal guidance.

For your business matters in France, we advise and litigate in various areas of law.

Contracts & Terms and Conditions

We prepare the legal documents for your business with its French partners.

Your lawyer in France

From our office in Paris we help your company doing business in France.

Does your company need our expertise?

We are happy to assist.
Call us +33 (0)1 42 96 80 98
or send an email to: info@holfran.com

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Need a lawyer in France?

For corporations and professional organizations
Available for businesses